Rezoning Clarington in the news!

August 26, 2019 (June 2019)

Former Clarington Councillor Gord Robinson, now Chairman of the Durham Landowners Association issued a statement expressing his group`s displeasure following a meeting between Clarington property owners and Clarington Planning Staff. The meeting was held on Thursday May 16, 2019.

“Clarington property owners should be concerned that tens of thousands of acres in our community are about to be rezoned to EP (Environmental Protected). This move by the municipality is unwarranted and in the long run will reduce property values, add financial pressures onto many property owners looking to mortgage, refinance or sell their property. The proposed revisions to the Zoning By-law will affect thousands of properties in Clarington, not just farmers. It will restrict the land use of both rural and urban property owners alike.”

Read the full article by clicking here (PDF).